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I climbed Snowfield Peak along with 4 other peaks (Colonial Peak, Paul Bunyan's Stump, Pinnacle Peak and Pyramid) on a three-day Memorial Day weekend in 1987. (Wish I still had that kind of 'get-up-and-go') A group of us were camped at the Colonial Creek Campground and a couple of buddies dropped me off at the Pyramid Lake TH early on Saturday morning. I got up to a good spot to camp on the Colonial Glacier and went off to do Colonial Peak before dark. The next morning I went through the saddle just south of Paul Bunyan's Stump and turned south for the long slog up and across the Neve Glacier to the base of Snowfield. It appeared that the west ridge would go and it did fairly easily and I was soon on top Snowfield. I still recall the Mountaineers register...

someone had been wise enough to make a copy of the first page of the original first ascent climb and put it in the register. I got a pretty good thrill seeing the names of William Degenhardt and Herbert Strandberg with the FA date of August 1, 1931. I wish more registers were like that - gives one a real sense of the history of the peaks we climb. I then retraced my steps and went on to climb Paul Bunyan's Stump, Pinnacle and Pyramid before packing up and going down. A very satisfying day except for fact that my ride was not waiting for me when I got back down to the trailhead and I was faced with the prospect of walking the highway the 4 miles back to the campground. The most punishing day of hiking and climbing in my entire life!

Pictures later.